Julie Robert owns and exploits a web site at www.julierobert.com (hereinafter, the “site”).

The site is accessible to all users and by consulting it, you are bound by the terms and conditions as set out below.

The content of this site aims to present users artwork created by Julie Robert. The terms and conditions can be modified at any moment without preliminary notice by a simple upgrade.


The entirety of the content of the site including, but not limited to, texts, multimedia elements (photos, videos, images, plans, etc.) is available strictly for information purposes.

The content cannot be opposed to Julie Robert and does not constitute an engagement from Julie Robert towards users.

In no case Julie Robert can be held responsible for errors it may contain.

In addition, Julie Robert will not be liable, of any nature whatsoever, concerning direct or indirect damages or interests for any prejudice deriving from the use of the site and its proposed content.


The content of this site is protected by copyright and by the Quebec, Canadian and foreign laws on intellectual property. The entire accessible content of this site is the exclusive property of Julie Robert and remains her property despite the fact it can be downloaded.

It is forbidden for users to reproduce and/or use its content for commercial use under no circumstances.


The exploration of the site or the download of any document or images from the site is entirely at the risks of the users.

Since internet is not considered a secured communication network, Julie Robert is not responsible for any damages caused to users or a third party for using the site.


These terms and conditions are governed and interpreted according to the Quebec laws. Any dispute arising from information contained on this site should be adressed to the district court of the head office of Julie Robert.